Prospect Street Office Building achieves very high level of air tightness

Our most recently completed commercial project, the Prospect Street Office Building, in White River Junction, Vermont has achieved an extremely high level of air sealing.  The currently adopted energy code requires a maximum of 7 air changes per hour (ACH) at an air pressure of 50 pascal.  The Prospect Street Office Building test results indicate that the building has 0.14 ACH at 50 pascal, and that it is anticipated to perform at an average of 0.01 ACH at normal air pressure.

By achieving this extremely high level of air sealing, it will be possible for the building to operate with significantly less energy consumption.

Congratulations to DEW Properties, LLC (the building Owner), the State of Vermont (main building tenant), DEW Construction Corp (Construction Manager) and all the Sub-Contractors who paid attention to details and executed the details in a manner that achieved this excellent result. 


Chris Kennedy invited to join Plan New Hampshire Board of Directors


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