MA+KE is 30!

The Mayor Kennedy team marks our 30th Anniversary with a list of thirty ways we MA+KE good things happen!


We place the human experience at the center of our design process in order to create a positive impact, and our team is dedicated—professionally and personally—to the people and places that enrich our community, and to active participation in it.

1. Upper Valley Haven Family Shelter, Offices, Meeting Space, and Food Service

2. Affordable housing project for Visions Green Street, Upper Valley Haven Single Adult Shelter (LEED Certified, Better Buildings by Design Award)

3. Housing for the differently-abled: Travis’ House and Visions Green Street (Plan NH Merit Award)

4. Non Profit Offices: child and family services, child care centers (expansion of Dartmouth College Child Care Center, Randolph Child Care Center)

5. Libraries: Kimball Union Academy, Grafton NH, and Cornish, NH

6. Houses for families of all kinds

7. Food Market: Hanover COOP Community Market - Geothermal Heating and Cooling (AIA NH Design Award)

8. Downtown Revitalization: Bridgman Building Renovation, Monadnock Mills Renovation (AIA NH Design Award, Plan NH Merit Award) 

9. Sponsors: AVA Art Gallery and PLAN NH

10. Participation:

  • Boards—Plan NH, AIA NH, Alice Peck Day Hospital & Life Care, AVA Gallery and Art Center, Hanover Planning Board, Lightning Soccer Club

  • Committees—Sustainable Hanover Committee, Hanover Master Plan Steering Committee, West Wheelock Community Rezoning Study Committee, Hanover Building Code Advisory Committee, Keys to the Valley Steering Committee, NH Businesses for Social Responsibility, NH Preservation Alliance, Hanover Bike and Pedestrian Committee

  • Organizations—PTA, Boy Scouts, Lebanon HS Project Graduation, soccer and basketball coaching, Vital Communities, Leadership Upper Valley,  Upper Valley Climate Change Leadership Academy, National Guard, Strafford Town House Advisory Group


We pride ourselves on a culture of collaboration, cooperation, and inclusion—and we believe in aligning the strengths of every member of the team to realize our goals.

11. Visioning with our clients! We keep our eyes and ears open and work with our clients to design solutions.

12. Engage staff in design, ask for broader input, sharing the process, “more eyeballs leads to better design”

13. We ask for and implement ideas and experience of our contractors, consultants, administrators and build great teams.

14. Commitment to Education

  • Mentorship - we are a teaching firm

  • Commitment to Continuing Education - Lunch & Learns, webinars, product expos and conferences for our team

  • Participate in Day of Work - workplace and career counseling for middle school students

  • Offer advice to local HS students considering architecture and provide opportunities for students to spend time shadowing in the office

  • Hire architecture students as summer interns

  • Participate in student reviews at Dartmouth College

15. Embrace Diversity in the Workplace (80% of firm leadership is female)

16. Attract and retain team members from local colleges and universities

17. Emerging Professionals Support (AIA New England Award!!)

18. Networking and Best Practice groups: JAMB Collective, Charrette Venture Group, Entrepreneur Architect Academy

19. Attend Conferences - AIA National, Better Buildings by Design VT, Architecture Boston Expo, Northeast Sustainable Energy Association

20. Welcome clients, partners, and friends to our studio!


We believe that carefully designed buildings and places provide real value–and so will be cared for over the long-term. Much more than technical adherence to energy efficiency and the responsible use of resources—sustainable practices are now simply best practices.

21. Conduct energy modeling on as many MA+KE projects as possible

22. Deep energy retrofits with renewable energy for improved building performance

23. US Green Building Council (USGBC) Member

24. Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) Member

25. Signatory of US Architects Declare

26. LEED Accredited staff

27. Passive House trained

28. Investigate and track embodied energy/carbon impact

29. Strong proponents of adaptive reuse and historic preservation: Bridgman Building Renovation, Monadnock Mills Renovation (AIA NH Design Award, Plan NH Merit Award) 

30. Lifestyle: hybrid work, walking or public transportation, recycling and reduced paper office, composting at home and office, many of us are gardeners and/or vegans


Showroom Design: How to Maximize Inspiration and Engagement


Mud Season