How Much Will My Custom Home Design Cost?

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Before any design work has been done, we are often asked how much we think it will cost to construct a project.

Obviously this is a very challenging question, since we are being asked to put a number on something that is just a figment of someone’s imagination. At this point in a project, there is very little to rely on to provide an answer. Yet we still get asked this question all the time.

Therefore, because we always want to be helpful, we try to come up with a SWAG (Scientific Wild A** Guess) or what we call a GUESSTIMATE.

Our goal in coming up with a GUESSTIMATE is to come up with an amount that is useful for preliminary planning and developing a roadmap for moving forward with a project.

Our GUESSTIMATE is only attempting to cover the Construction Cost and will be based on our perception and experience of the residential marketplace of Northern New England.

BIG BUT:  The amount we come up with will only be for GENERAL PLANNING PURPOSES, something that would be utilized for the first draft of a project pro forma.  In order to develop a solid construction cost estimate there needs to be an actual design that can be referenced.  

Download a copy of MA+KE Architects 2020 Guesstimate Worksheet

Thinking about a custom home or residential remodel? MA+KE also has some additional worksheets that can help you create a more detailed Guesstimate. Contact MA+KE Architects to start your project on the right foot.


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